June 03, 2010

Our Epic Saga

In mid-October of 2004, while attending a work orientation, (for a job I would start at Park City Resort) my co-workers and I were asked to pick a "locker buddy". I remember looking around the room at my 20 or so, mostly South American, male co-workers.
Most of them just turning to the guy next to them and nodding in agreement...
But I was not going to get stuck sharing a locker (for the WHOLE winter season!) with just any old schmuck I happened to be standing next to.
I did what any sensible girl would do, I scanned the room, looking for the most attractive guy to make my locker buddy.

He was standing quietly in a corner across the room. Without hesitation or introduction, I walked up and asked him if he'd like to share a locker. (He still remembers the yellow and gray stripped JCrew sweater I was wearing.) Relief, he said yes.

That is how I met the wonderful man I will be celebrating my third wedding anniversary with this month.

Will, you've blown my expectations of what married life is out of the water. I would define these last three years (and the one leading up to them) as epic. Like really it could be a movie.

I love you


Lauren Kay said...

Cute! Congratulations you two!

carla thorup said...

you two are cute.

and i still remember your adorable wedding.. it really was so sweet.

and you're moving back!? fabulous, since we haven't had one book club meeting since you left. you're our glue kass. can't wait!

Kindsay and Erik said...

I never heard that story before. It's so Kassey!!! I LOVE it!!! I'm so glad you two are lovebirds.